Monday, November 20, 2006


glenwild When I insisted Hotrodswanted 1 send me a photo, or draw me a picture, or in some way prove she was who and what she said she was....she continued the put me off with one excuse after another. Eventually I tired of the game. It wasn't crazy enough for crazy town nor sexy enough for sexy town. We broke up.


Collage- Glen Wild

Monday, November 13, 2006


Collage by Glen Wild

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Collage by Glen Wild

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Collage by Glen Wild

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


HR- What is Ardor day?

GW- It's Arbor honey, but don't worry your pretty little head. You're beginning to grow on me. I'm sorry for all my suspicions. You know what the Iraqi ambassador says- Diddle me once, shame on me...I mean you..Diddle me twice....

HR- I'll diddle you and let you fuck me doggy style. Would you like that ?

GW- I'm sure I would. I see how found you are of the canine position, HR. Mr. and and Mrs. Wanted1 raised quite a nasty little girl. Lest we get lost in this delightful reparte, there is the small matter of that photo?

HR- My cam is down.

GW- Draw me a picture.


Sunday, October 22, 2006


HR- You will get more than you bargain for baby!

GW- Yeah sure. All talk.

HR- Once I get my hands on you I will fuk you so hard you won't know which end is iup. You think you are sooo smart. i am teacher and will learn you a thing ort3.

GW- OK teech- I'm all yours- typos and all. But... I have to tell you I get the impression you are a paid employee of this site whose soul task is to keep lonely tools like myself on the line and renewing my subscription. Am I getting warm?

HR- I am 4 reel. Be patient and you will be rewarded. I can't waitt to stik my strap on didlo up ur ass. Would you like that.

GW- Only on special holidays like say George Washington's birthday and Arbor day. Didn't we cover this area?

Friday, October 20, 2006


Sorry I haven't kept up the conversation between HOTRODSWANTED1 and myself but I got busy.

Here's where we left off.

HR- Hey baby! I am home alone and in the mood for some good sex.

GW- Hey. I just happen to be in the same position (so to speak). How we gonna make this happen or is this just all chum? Just worked a tough day- dirty, sweaty- all aching muscles and oozing pheromones. Where's that pic i asked for? I asked nicely. You know I only have so much patience. I'm gonna take a shower, roll one, crack a beer and think of what i would do to you under that blue shirt?

HR- What did you thought about doing under my blue shirt?

GW- That's as good as you got? Once again, it seems I'm doing all the work in this relationship. We aren't growing as a couple. I feel neglected and taken advantage of. You want to know what I'll do under that blue shirt...? Lay back on that kitchen table. Scooch your ass up a bit. There. Now....But wait a minute. There I go again! All I do is give. Give. Give. What about Glen?

Pay attention to sentence structure and use of past, present and future tense. My dick gets soft when I have to diagram too much.